Learn my #1 Weight Loss Secret for women.

Work with me

Are you ready to lose the weight? For good this time.

I help middle-aged women move beyond hormones, cravings, and excuses to get the results they've always wanted.

You’ve heard it a million times: healthy eating is a lifestyle not a diet.

The trouble is we try to kick off our new “lifestyles” with so much baggage:  habits from the past, negative self-talk, body hate, impatience, uncertainty in our own ability to stick to our decisions… Whew! All of THAT is a mental game, not just a physical one.

That’s why I’m a Life AND Weight Loss Coach. It’s why I have training in nutrition AND mindset. Together, we’ll move past the barriers you’ve had in the past so you can finally feel in control of your health again.

Step 1: Let's Chat

My goal is to give you some wins right away. Sign up for a FREE, no obligation consultation call so we can really explore your goals, reservations, and options!

Weight Loss Coaching is for you if...

🗸 You’ve tried every diet in the last two decades and haven’t been able to keep the weight off.

🗸 You feel like you’re in a battle against your hormones AND your cravings.

🗸 You get upset when others bring “junk” food around, worried you’ll lose control.

🗸 You’ve spent so much time taking care of everyone else that you’ve put your health on the back-burner until now.

Why hire a coach?
Get personalized, one-on-one support with a certified nutrition, life, and weight loss coach. My knowledge of the body and brain move you past problem spots quickly while giving you some major accountability.

“When I came to Sue for weight loss coaching I was desperate for help. I felt like I had no control around food and was tired of obsessing about it constantly. I had tried all the diets before and I always ended up gaining the weight back. I was ready to try a new approach and found that coaching was what I had needed all along. I lost the weight, but more importantly, I finally feel in control around food which is something I never thought was possible.”


Grab your freebie!

The Last Food Plan You’ll Ever Need to help you stop obsessing about food & get on with living!

This free download is short and sweet and gets straight to the point. This is the tool I use with all of my clients, and you can get it totally free just for joining my mailing list.