My clients tell me all the time how hard it is to eat healthy when they travel.

First of all, you can do hard things.

Second, it will be hard if you keep telling yourself it will be.

If you want to do something, just put your brain to work on finding solutions.

Ask yourself what you need to do to eat in a way that makes you feel good while you are away.

Your brain will come up with solutions if you direct it to.

I always thought it was impossible too.

Then I remembered that nothing is impossible and I set my mind to work and listed all the options I had.

If I’m staying in a hotel with a refrigerator in the room I go to the store and fill it with foods I enjoy that fuel my body.

I also check the menus at the restaurants in the hotel and close by.

I pick a few menu options ahead of time so that when I arrive and I’m starving I am not tempted to stuff my face with French fries and dessert that will just leave me bloated and sluggish.

I typically choose to have an indulgent meal or dessert while I’m away.

I decide on what that will be ahead of time and make sure it is something I truly enjoy and I savor every bite.

I no longer gain weight when I go away and struggle to take it off when I return home.

This way of eating does not feel restrictive in any way, it just feels like I am taking good care of my body and that is the best feeling.

Sue Christensen